Motivational Mondays #5

Hello Lovelies!

For those of you who don't know, I decided to start Motivational Mondays (inspired by Louise) to give everyone a pick-me-up on those hectic and stressful Mondays.

This quote reflects very much how I've been feeling recently. 

People tend to stick to other people. It gives them the security that they are 'normal'. I'm not just talking about following the same fashion trends as everyone else or having Flappy Bird; Im talking about changing what you feel inside to suit your peers or the people around you.

Recently, It seems I've have been agreeing with others and piping down instead of piping up. I agree with others simply for the sake of not being regarded as "weird" or "different". I also hold my tongue to save a debate or an argument. Or hiding behind the voices of others.

But after being in several situations when I've let things pass when I simply don't agree, has made me realise how wrong that is - especially today. 

Now, I'm not saying storm into the office tomorrow and rant to your colleague how its not fair that she bitches about the receptionists bad sense of style. I'm saying find your voice. Its ok to disagree. Everyone has their own opinions. After all, that's what makes us who we are. 

We also need to stand up for ourselves. Some people go through life letting others walk all over them when they continue to hurt them or put them down. We should be confident to stray from the crowd and be ourselves.

Be a voice, not an echo.

Tell me down below if you have experienced this and if you agree. I'd love to know your thoughts!

Check out the other #MotivationalMondays below:

Have a lovely week!

All My Love

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