The Secret To Naturally Whiter Teeth || OSHUN White

Hello Lovelies!
For as long as I can remember, I have always been self conscious about my smile. It's not that there is anything particularly wrong with my mouth; none of my teeth are crooked and they are pretty sparkly in colour, It's just something that always used to bother me.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of people I have spoken to about this seem to have felt the same as me. I remember a friend telling me they had spent £23 on a 'whitening toothpaste'. To me that is 1. Ridiculous, and 2. Incredibly damaging.

Don't get me wrong, everyone wants a breathtaking smile like Julia Roberts. But the fact is, the products you will find on the shelves in your supermarket or local Boots just won't cut it.

Firstly, they don't work. A 'whitening toothpaste' does not make your teeth whiter. They are designed to remove the most recent surface stains. Eg; your last espresso. However, they can't change the natural colour of your teeth or lighten a stain that goes deeper than a tooth's surface. Overall, your teeth are not whiter, brighter, or in any way improved.

Secondly, they are so so damaging. Your aim by using these products is to improve your teeth, but in actual fact, you are doing more damage than good. To remove surface stains, whitening toothpaste includes chemicals and peroxides that damage the enamel on your teeth, making them weaker, and more sensitive.

All this aside, we still want a million dollar smile. Which is exactly why I wanted to share my secrets with you. OSHUNwhite are passionate about natural health and beauty. Their goal is to help you feel great about yourself without resorting to chemical treatments.

Using the technique of oil pulling, it works to reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in the mouth. This naturally reduces plaque, whitens teeth and freshens breath.  Oil pulling has been practiced for thousands of years as part of the ancient Indian tradition of Ayurveda. Oshun white have refined the everyday oil pulling experience by providing the perfect amount of coconut oil, in convenient sachets, with 4 wonderful flavours.

I opted for spearmint, and after squeezing the contents of the sachet in my mouth, swill it around for 5-15 minutes. Its best to start off at 5 and gradually build up the length of time. Then you just spit the coconut oil into the bin. Easy as pie!

Oshun White also kindly send me their Copper Tongue Cleaner. Although our tongue takes up half of our mouth, it is majorly neglected in oral care. In fact, over 80% of bad breath is believed to be caused by bacteria which resides on the tongue. Research shows that copper is the most effective material due to its natural antibacterial properties. Its such a simple step that can be so easily incorporated into your routine.

With the Copper Tongue Cleaner retailing at only £5 and a box of 14 coconut oil sachets at only £20, this is an affordable, natural and healthier way to remove bacteria from your mouth and provide you with a whiter, brighter smile.

If you would like more information, or to purchase one of Oshun White's amazing products, click HERE. Also, don't for get to share a photo of your #OSHUNsmile using that hashtag so I can check out your pictures!

All My Love


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** Disclaimer: All content on this blog is my own. Although this is a Paid Advertorial, all thoughts expressed in this post and further partnership with Oshun White are my own views and opintions. Copyright of Deadly Is The Female.

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